Monday, December 5, 2011

Return to Posting

The blog has been dormant for over a month now, and I'm sorry for that. I'm hoping to get back to some regular posting, although it may not be on a daily basis. The blog's post frequency had been fluctuating for a while near the end of the Summer and through the Fall as my commitments changed. Then, with the beginning of October, my workload ramped up significantly and it's been difficult for me to keep to the habit of writing regularly, or at all. The one thing I have been doing, luckily, is drinking beer!

So, while the posting has dropped off, the beer tasting has not. Although I haven't been tasting new beers with the same regularity as previously, I've been building up a bit of a back catalog of beer reviews. I'm hoping that over the next weeks and months those beers will be making an appearance here on Musings.

If you're interested to see which beers I'm drinking on a regular basis, check out my account on Untappd. You can find that at You'll also notice that the beers appearing on Utappd usually make their way to the Musings Twitter account at You can follow these accounts to get an idea of my current tastes and maybe some sneak peaks at what may be coming down the pipeline.

For now, though, I anticipate there will be updates coming soon with a handful of beer reviews coming out each week. The first bunch might be a few Fall seasonal holdovers then the blog will be onto a variety of beers with some Winter seasonals sprinkled in.

Stay tuned. Drink beer. And Enjoy!

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