Saturday, March 12, 2011

Narragansett Brewing Company - Bock Lager

Purchased From: Harvest Fine Wines & Spirits
Serving Type: 16 oz. 'tall boy' can, poured into a Pokal glass

The third and final seasonal (let's hope they don't dream up some fruit beer as a summer lager any time soon), Narragansett's Bock is here right in time for the slow emergence of Spring. The beer pours a crystal clear deep straw with amber and copper hints. The head is large and fluffy, carries great retention, and produces light wispy lacing along the length of the glass. The nose is nicely rounded with sweet toasted malts that produce a slightly bready aroma. It seems very clean with a definitive spicy note.

The mouthfeel is voluminous and airy. The beer has a big malt identity and it comes off crisp, but with a slight, and interesting, Port-like character. The beer is extremely drinkable and quite refreshing. The finish is dry and very tasty. This is another hit from 'Gansett, which offers this beer at a reasonable price. Their seasonals are all a bit more pricey than the Lager and Light varieties, but when you're buying a six-pack of tall boys, the value is clear.

Final Verdict: A-*

* - The A- really comes, in large part, because of the incredible value that this beer provides.

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