Monday, January 24, 2011

Stone Brewing Company - Levitation Ale

Purchased From: Harvest Fine Wines & Spirits
Serving Type: 12 oz. screen-printed bottle, poured into a pint glass

Stone's Levitation Ale is an amber/red ale and another solid entry from the San Diego brewer. The beer pours a deep ruby brown with amber highlights. It has a large creamy tan head with great retention. There's a ton of lacing the the pattern is quite varied. The nose is intense with sticky pine hops that beat back all but a notion of malt sweetness.

The mouthfeel is quite airy and keeps the beer seeming fairly light. Hops are dominant and stand out among the other flavors. The hops have a minor floral component to them, which keeps them from pushing this beer too far toward a darker IPA. The beer finishes up with caramel malt sweetness and a lingering hop character that creates a crisp finish. Overall the beer is very drinkable, but hoppier than most red ales.

Final Verdict: A-

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