Monday, January 10, 2011

BrewDog - Hardcore IPA

Purchased From: Canal's of Hamilton
Serving Type: 660 mL bottle, poured into a tulip glass

Hardcore IPA is a powerful Imperial IPA from the Scottish folks over at Brewdog who've bought us some of the world's strongest beers, which are far outside of my price range. This IPA boasts a glowing copper-like body with orange highlights. The thick, sudsy, yellow-tinted head is long-lasting and great on lacing. The nose features a syrupy sweetness with piney hops and grapefruit citrus. There's a mild alcohol to it and a cool, almost minty, quality as well.

The tickling carbonation mouthfeel dances on the tongue that compliments a distinct spiciness to the beer. The grassy, floral hops are prominent, but not overdone. The malts provide a slight sweetness that balances the significant, but well-masked, alcohol. Hints of the hops last quite some time with a mild cooling tinge.

Final Verdict: B-

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