Monday, September 13, 2010

Dogfish Head - Indian Brown Ale

Dogfish Head - Indian Brown Ale
Serving Type: 12 oz. bottle, poured into a pint glass
This brown ale, from Dogfish Head, crosses an American Brown Ale (a style adapted from English Brown Ale) with an India Pale Ale. The result is something set apart from other, more traditional, brown ales that you may be familiar with.
It pours a very dark brown, that almost looks syrupy in its last few drops. A thick foam head, in a somewhat dark beige, accompanies the beer. As it dissipates, it leaves intricate lacing along the top of the glass. No significant lacing as the glass is emptied.
Hops are prevalent on the nose. They compliment caramelized sugars or molasses, which are more common to this variety. The toasted malt flavor is bold, producing a full-bodied beer. The malts, along with the molasses component, are mellowed by a robust smokiness. It stands a hefty beer, at 7.2% alcohol, the heat tempered by the spiciness of hops, typical of many Dogfish Head brews. 

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