Purchased From: Harvest Fine Wines & Spirits
Serving Type: 330ml bottle, poured into a flute glass
The Salvator Double Bock, reportedly the world's first double bock, pours a light chestnut brown with amber highlights. The beer has a still appearance, but is topped by an airy head of light tan foam. The head retention is mild and leaves almost no lace behind as it hastily departs. The nose is light and malty with hints of candied fruits. The mildly sugary aroma contains hints of caramel and slightly earthy aromas.
The beer's flavor profile exhibits a damp woodiness with a mild acidity and earthy undertones. Vague caramel sweetness creeps in on the mid-palate, but the emphasis is clearly on the decaying funk of rain soaked wood. The beer is enjoyable, but very light, almost inconsequential. Mild alcohol heat tinges on the finish.
Final Verdict: B-
This beer is amazing!!!
ReplyDeleteFANTASTISCHE! Full, complex, earthy flavors. Memories of Christmas fruitcake wrapped and aged in rum-soaked cloth. Try a bottle- you'll most likely buy a lot more.
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