Purchased From: Harvest Fine Wines & Spirits
Serving Type: 750 mL bottle, poured into a snifter
This limited release from Lagunitas bills itself, quite humorously, as "A malty, robust jobless recovery ale." The beer pours a deep chestnut brown body. The beer's modest light tan head is light on retention and produces very little lacing. On a second, more vigorous pour, a fluffier head arose and left thin sticky lacing. The nose is spicy and strong with a lightly minerally water edge. The beer has a cellared feel with a musty yeast character and a slightly herbal character.
The beer's deep roasted malts have a rich toasted edge. The beer is strong, but not boozy. Dark fruits are mild, but provide a taste of latent sugar that underlies the beer's more robust elements. Additionally, moderately piney and quite resinous hops give the brew added depth and make this big beer quite enjoyable.
Final Verdict: A-
Serving Type: 750 mL bottle, poured into a snifter
This limited release from Lagunitas bills itself, quite humorously, as "A malty, robust jobless recovery ale." The beer pours a deep chestnut brown body. The beer's modest light tan head is light on retention and produces very little lacing. On a second, more vigorous pour, a fluffier head arose and left thin sticky lacing. The nose is spicy and strong with a lightly minerally water edge. The beer has a cellared feel with a musty yeast character and a slightly herbal character.
The beer's deep roasted malts have a rich toasted edge. The beer is strong, but not boozy. Dark fruits are mild, but provide a taste of latent sugar that underlies the beer's more robust elements. Additionally, moderately piney and quite resinous hops give the brew added depth and make this big beer quite enjoyable.
Final Verdict: A-
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