Purchased From: Harvest Fine Wines & Spirits
Serving Type: 12 oz. bottle, poured into a Pokal glass
St. Victorious pours a stunning light chestnut with a copper shimmer. The body of the beer is slightly hazy and is topped by a creamy light tan foam. The medium-sized head is solid on the retention and produces a sparse display of lace on the glass. The nose is musty and earthy with the scent of coarsely cracked grains. There's a bark-like dampness, reminiscent of a walk in the woods after a Fall rain.
The mouthfeel is velvety: initially slick with a deft balance of carbonation. The deep toasted malts carry an understated caramel sweetness. The beer is robust and almost burly with a solid bittering. The hops aren't piney or citrusy, but play off the caramel hints nicely. The finish is lasting and earthy with a rich, almost chocolatey, edge.
Final Verdict: B+
Serving Type: 12 oz. bottle, poured into a Pokal glass
St. Victorious pours a stunning light chestnut with a copper shimmer. The body of the beer is slightly hazy and is topped by a creamy light tan foam. The medium-sized head is solid on the retention and produces a sparse display of lace on the glass. The nose is musty and earthy with the scent of coarsely cracked grains. There's a bark-like dampness, reminiscent of a walk in the woods after a Fall rain.
The mouthfeel is velvety: initially slick with a deft balance of carbonation. The deep toasted malts carry an understated caramel sweetness. The beer is robust and almost burly with a solid bittering. The hops aren't piney or citrusy, but play off the caramel hints nicely. The finish is lasting and earthy with a rich, almost chocolatey, edge.
Final Verdict: B+
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