Monday, April 4, 2011

Mendocino Brewing Company - Red Tail Ale

Purchased From: Harvest Fine Wines & Spirits
Serving Type: 12 oz. bottle, poured into a pint glass

Another beer from Mendocino, this time from their Legend series, Red Tale Ale is an American amber ale with a lot going for it. The beer pours a glowing amber body with a hazy complexion. The head is a thin white foam, velvety smooth with tons of minuscule carbonation bubbles. The foam produces a series of lightly layer lace on the glass. The nose is sweet with caramel malts and comes across fresh and clean. There's a light dusting of hops, not pronounced, but pleasantly subdued.

The malts are clear and predominant on the palate. The sweetness is substantial, almost like candied fruits, but far from cloying. There's a slightly herbal, almost clover-like honey character as well. The beer is lightly earthy, but not gritty and without the 'dirtiness' often characterizing earthiness. Almost flowery, there are hints of hibiscus near the finish. The hops are present, but light overall. They provide a dash of bitterness for some added depth, but remain understated.

Final Verdict: A-

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