Wednesday, April 27, 2011

D.L. Geary Brewing Company - Geary's IPA

Purchased From: Harvest Fine Wines & Spirits
Serving Type: 12 oz. twist-off bottle with a crooked label, poured into a pint glass

Geary's IPA pours a mildly attenuated amber with a slight chilled haze. The thick head is creamy in consistency with an off-white complexion. Vanilla sweetness is present off the start on the nose with a bouquet of fresh hops with a citrusy tone. The toasted malts provide a mild caramel sweetness.

The mouthfeel is velvety with a balance of carbonation and body. The grapefruit hops are pungent, but far from overpowering. The biscuity malts work in harmony with the hops to provide a tightness or flavor, that keeps a commendable depth. The grains are lightly grassy and make for a crisp and flavorful finish.

Final Verdict: B+

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