Friday, March 4, 2011

Dogfish Head Craft Brewery - World Wide Stout

Purchased From: Harvest Fine Wines & Spirits
Serving Type: 12 oz. bottle, poured into a snifter

World Wide Stout is an 18% ABV monster from the folks at the Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, known for their beers that are often both delicious and daring. The beer is a very dark brown, which easily approaches black poured into a snifter. The head is moderate to generous in size and carries a light brown hue. The retention is modest and the lacing is minimal. This is common for higher alcohol beers, and what is managed seems impressive for such a strong brew.

The nose is sugary sweet, potent, and floral. Slight hints of roasted barley and coffee make it out from the overbearing attack of alcoholic esters. Despite the strength of the nose, there's no initial sweet or alcoholic bite to the beer. Heaps of roasted malts produce a strong and bold espresso-like flavor. The strength of the malts is tempered slightly by a moderate caramel sweetness that fades nicely to smoke. The rich smokiness could easily be likened to a very dark French roast.

Finally, the alcoholic strength of this impressive beer sweeps in to cleanse the palate and reduce the impact of the impressively hearty barley. As the heat from this beer builds a mild lingering smoke can be detected on the finish. It carries even more of the coffee flavors of that malt that remain both pleasant and persistent.

Final Verdict: A-

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