Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Brouwerij Duvel Moortgat - Maredsous 10 Triple

Purchased From: Harvest Fine Wines & Spirits
Serving Type: 11.2 oz. bottle, poured into a goblet

The number 10 Triple weighs in at a strong 10% ABV, but retains its flavor and drinkability nicely. The beer is a muted copper brown in hue with a slight yeasty haze. The head is generous in proportion with a frothy, off-white appearance. There's a light crackling as the head recedes and the sticky foam clings to the glass. The nose is quite mild with a yeasty and dusty edge lingering above a light sweetness and vague notes of alcohol.

The beer is undeniably strong and boozy, but it's still highly drinkable. Hints of figs and apricots prevail lending a pleasant dried-fruit-sweetness. The beer is minor herbal, but quite aromatic. The heat builds gradually, but is continuously tamed as the beer itself warms. As with many high-alcohol brews, this one deserves to be consumed at cellar temperature. As it approaches room temperature the understated flavors develop and the harsher edges begin to mellow graciously.

Final Verdict: B

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