Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mendocino - Imperial IPA

Purchased From: Harvest Fine Wines & Spirits
Serving Type: 12 oz. bottle, poured into a pint glass

Mendocino's Imperial IPA pours a slightly hazy copper-tinted amber. The viscous off-white head gleams with hop oil. The retention is solid and as the foam begins to dissipate it leaves light lacing on the glass. The nose is substantial with piney hops and some earthen tones. Beneath the hops is a detectable mild caramel sweetness.

The beer is quite hoppy with citrusy and piney flavors. The malt body sneaks in nicely in the middle, but aren't as sweet as the nose might have led on. Hints of vanilla mingle nicely with the malts and a late fruitiness develops as the beer begins to warm up. The high alcohol in this 'Imperial' is noticeable on the finish. Finally, a lingering sticky hop character persists in the aftertaste.

Final Verdict: B

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