Friday, October 29, 2010

Trappistes Rochefort - 6

Trappistes Rochefort - 6
Serving Type: 11.2 oz. bottle, poured into a tulip glass
Number 6 under the name Trappistes Rochefort is brewed by Brasserie de Rochefort at the Abbaye de Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy in Belgium. Rochefort is one of the six Belgian Trappist brewers, who all number among the most highly regarded in the world. These beers are brewed by Monks and they know what they’re doing. Orval, the fourth beer that I reviewed here, is another example of a Trappist beer. 6 is one of three beers available from Rochefort. You’ll see the other two in the coming days.
It pours a murky brown with plenty of floating yeast. The head is made of very fine carbonation, and only achieves mild retention. This time around I had no retention at all from the beer. Alcoholic esters and white grape juice are most prominent on the nose. This beer weighs in at 7.5% ABV, so the detectable presence of alcohol is not surprising. There is also a characteristic sweetness and a light cellar must.
The mouthfeel is dry and almost somewhat biting. There’s an interesting and noticeable white wine component as well as hints of fruits like peaches and plums. It seems very sweet, but it’s never overpowering. It remains subdued and pleasant throughout. The sweetness lingers in the finish and an alcoholic tinge sets in. 
Final Verdict: B+*
*My first reaction was to give this beer an A-, but after consideration I think it’s more deserving of a B+. It’s an excellent beer, but it’s not perfect. The flavor is great, but the alcohol is overt and there’s a slight lack of complexity that you might expect from a fine Belgian ale. Finally, coming in at about $4.99 per 11.2 oz. bottle, it’s a bit pricey for its own good.

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